Orange You Glad You Had 1?

Posted: January 3, 2011 in Uncategorized


They come without warning.  Usually in mid November.  You eye the box with some suspicion and ponder if you should decide to peel the four bucks off your wad and take a few home, will they be as good as you remember they were?

Personally I cherry pick mine, cracking the box lid and palpating each individual globe to ensure perfection.  My wife is horrified at this practice and will question it’s legality.  I reply, “It’s fine, everyone’s doing it.”  We have to get our money’s worth.”

So we take them home and indulge in a lip smacking, juice spurting good time…even the kids love them for lunches. 

Then, without warning (much like Roll Up The Rim To Win), they’re gone…for an entire year.  Just for the record, tangerine oranges are not the same…they’re too sour and they have seeds…seeds dammitt!

“Oh my darlin’ Oh my darlin’…Oh my darlin’ clementine…

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